tilling in wheat: practical aspects, applications and novel detection methods
dr. cristobal uauy
john innes centre
curriculum vitae
2001 b.sc in agricultural engineer, pontificia universidad catolica,
2007 phd in genetics,
2007-2008 post-doctoral scholar,
2009- project leader, john
2009- visiting research fellow, national institute of agricultural botany (niab),
selected publications
fu d, uauy c, distelfeld a, blechl a, epstein l, chen x, sela h, fahima t, dubcovsky j. 2009. a kinase-start gene confers temperature-dependent resistance to wheat stripe rust. science 323: 1357-1360 (published online 19 february 2009; 10.1126/science.1166289 in science express reports) (equal contribution)
uauy c, distelfeld a, fahima t, blechl a, dubcovsky j. 2006. a nac gene regulating senescence improves grain protein,zn, and fe content in wheat. science 314: 1298-1301.
注释:cristobal uauy博士毕业于美国加州大学戴维斯分校, 现为英国john innes研究所项目带头人。cristobal uauy博士的研究主要集中在小麦产量性状的qtl定位,小麦重要基因的图位克隆、小麦种质资源的创新。cristobal uauy博士将于